I’ve read two Minimalist books, and now I bear the consequences

Here I go again, but this time with a graver post than you might expect.

A few weeks ago, I listened to Marie Kondo’s much-praised book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (I say listen because I found a free audio-book version on YouTube. If you look it up, you might be lucky, and it’s still online). Today, I gulped down in two sittings Leo Babauta’s minimalist productivity book The Power of Less. Both books shared a few common things.

Firstly, they both fall into the category Non-Fiction, which I rarely read. The fact that I did means that I was really curious about them. They both fulfilled my expectations of what they contain. Both led to the same conclusions about my current life.

But let’s start from the beginning. Continue reading

100 Followers and the Beginning of Summer!

Yay! My little blog made it, we entered the “land of three-digit numbers of followers”!! (Okay, that sounds weird but you get the idea.)

As if to celebrate this achievement, the weather has been exceptionally pleasant recently, and as I’m now on summer break from university, I hope to be able to do a lot more cycling and camping and blog about it for you! Continue reading

I’m not weird, I am the future.

Rant Warning! (Don’t say I didn’t tell you.)

This is to the people who make me feel like the world’s greatest weirdo, by judging me, calling me names, joking about me, boycott me, or just look at me funny, I’ve now composed a little letter I wrote to you, in the hope that one of you accidentally finds this blog. Here it is: Continue reading

Zero Waste Bloggers Meet-Up in Oslo

Me and my amazing boyfriend have been on a short holiday to Norway before university kicks in again. Of course, I’ve raked my brains previous to our trip about how to be as environmentally friendly as possible doing it. (Post about that is about to follow soon!) And of course, I’ve also tried to find someone from our lovely Zero Waste Bloggers Network to give me tips about Oslo and Bergen, the two major cities in Norway. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any Norwegian bloggers in the network.

But I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t give it a thorough Google search, and unsurprisingly, I did actually find two Norwegian Zero Waste Bloggers and invited them to the network: Grønare Kvardag (Greener Everyday) based in Bergen, and Grønne Hensikter (Green Intentions) based in Oslo.

And I wouldn’t be myself if a few comments, one email and two text messages later, I didn’t arrange to meet up with lovely Kristine from Grønne Hensikter! Continue reading

Update on my Capsule Wardrobe, or: How I accidentally developed a colour palette

A few months ago, I decided to give Project 333 a try, in which you basically commit to only wear 33 items of clothing for 3 months (read details & rules here). It’s been a great experience which has helped me to simplify my wardrobe. I’ve chosen not to continue with the actual Project 333, but stick to a capsule wardrobe with only consciously purchased, valued and good quality pieces. Of course, without keeping count, my wardrobe has expanded a bit in the last time (also due to the fact that having just one pair of jeans is poor planning).

After my birthday (which was recently), I set out again to piece together a winter wardrobe; adding new bits where old ones broke and haven’t been replaced. Coming home after one such “shopping”-trip, I suddenly realised that the red pair of jeans I bought was exactly the same colour as my only skirt. And then an epiphany came upon me (can you say that?):

All the clothes I recently bought and the ones I loved the most were all the same three or four colours! Continue reading