I’ve read two Minimalist books, and now I bear the consequences

Here I go again, but this time with a graver post than you might expect.

A few weeks ago, I listened to Marie Kondo’s much-praised book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (I say listen because I found a free audio-book version on YouTube. If you look it up, you might be lucky, and it’s still online). Today, I gulped down in two sittings Leo Babauta’s minimalist productivity book The Power of Less. Both books shared a few common things.

Firstly, they both fall into the category Non-Fiction, which I rarely read. The fact that I did means that I was really curious about them. They both fulfilled my expectations of what they contain. Both led to the same conclusions about my current life.

But let’s start from the beginning. Continue reading

The Things I Learned At Glastonbury Festival

It’s been already over a week ago that I returned from my first ever visit to a music festival: Glastonbury 2016. It was the same week that the unexpected news broke: the (slim) majority of British have decided that a political union with other countries brought more constraints than benefits. In short, Brexit happened.

As many agreed, Glastonbury was probably one of the best places to hear these revelations, together with a mass of like-minded, mostly young, affectionate, and visionary people. So rather than add my personal rant about the referendum results to the flood thereof on social media, I wanted to share what this week of turbulences actually showed me. Continue reading

On Living Without a Car

Any student reader will smirk at this post – and rightly so, because which student ever needed a car?

But the majority of you, I might guess, are non-students who probably own or have access to a car. The fact that you read this post means that you have probably thought about the environmental impact a car has. Or maybe contemplated how it would be to live without a car. Or even considered even selling yours, only to find that you need the mobility, speed, flexibility, and all those benefits that lets you keep hold of your car. Continue reading

100 Followers and the Beginning of Summer!

Yay! My little blog made it, we entered the “land of three-digit numbers of followers”!! (Okay, that sounds weird but you get the idea.)

As if to celebrate this achievement, the weather has been exceptionally pleasant recently, and as I’m now on summer break from university, I hope to be able to do a lot more cycling and camping and blog about it for you! Continue reading

Spreading the word offline

Hello everyone! I do hope you haven’t missed my posts too much recently. Truth is, I’ve been busy doing all types of things (some uni work was involved), that I decided to exercise no rush when it comes to blogging. I just finished classes, which I will promptly use to update you on what’s happened in the meantime.

A few weeks ago, I have finally let myself convinced to give a talk about Zero Waste here at university. Continue reading